Pens, Pencils and Perception - Reconsider (2013)

Pens, Pencils and Perception - Reconsider (2013)


Pens, Pencils and Perception: Found-object installation with accompanying photograph slide show as part of the University of Maine Intermedia M.F.A. annual “Without Borders” exhibit in 2013, titled Without Borders X: Re in Lord Hall Gallery, Orono, Maine.

The installation featured hundreds of discarded pens and pencils, photographed as they were found, collected and displayed to explore the idea of perception and value.

Secondhand Peg: self-portrait collage of found cigarette packs mounted on stretched canvas.

Like Pens, Pencils and Perception, Secondhand Peg is an experiment to explore perception and value, reconsidering what has been discarded to find new value.

Secondhand Peg (2012)

Secondhand Peg (2012)

Constellation Dolls (2009)

Constellation Dolls (2009)


Constellation Dolls: 12” muslin dolls, painted black, with colored beads sewn on in the patterns of constellations, created for the 2010 colloborative performance Dual Site at the Whitney Art Works in Portland, Maine.

See more past work at


How I Felt About Ohio Street